Hysbyseb Swydd: Cymhorthydd Harbwr | Job Advert: Harbour Assistant (Mawrth/March 2025)
Job Description | Disgrifiad Swydd
Ynglŷn â’r swydd
Mae Ymddiriedolaeth Harbwr Caernarfon yn falch o fod yn datblygu ei dîm ac mae ganddi swydd wag ar gyfer Cymhorthydd Harbwr. O dan gyfarwyddyd yr Harbwr Feistr / Harbwr Feistr Cynorthwyol bydd yr ymgeisydd llwyddiannus yn ymgymryd ag ystod eang o weithrediadau harbwr o ddydd i ddydd i gynorthwyo i ddarparu gwasanaethau Harbwr. Bydd hyn yn cynnwys gweithio ar fwrdd Tendr Buoy yr harbwr wrth i griw a harbwr mordwyo’r cychod yn ôl yr angen ledled terfynau’r harbwr. Mae lefel uchel o wasanaeth i gwsmeriaid yn hanfodol gan y bydd yr ymgeisydd yn rhyngweithio’n ddyddiol â defnyddwyr yr Harbwr.
£ 12.68 yr awr gydag adolygiadau blynyddol, ynghyd â goramser.
Yr ymgeisydd
Bydd yr ymgeisydd llwyddiannus yn ymrwymo i fynd i’r afael â phroblemau cwsmeriaid harbwr ynghylch angori, ymweld â pherchnogion cychod a’r ymholiadau cyhoeddus cyffredinol sy’n ymwneud â defnyddio cyfleusterau a gwasanaethau harbwr. Tasgau cynnal a chadw ac atgyweirio a datrys problemau isadeiledd ac offer harbwr. Gan gynnwys mân waith cynnal a chadw a glanhau cychod ac adeiladau, ynghyd ag Adnewyddu Cymhorthion Mordwyo.
Mae’r gallu i gyfathrebu’n rhugl ar lafar yn Gymraeg a Saesneg yn ddymunol iawn.
Bydd angen i’r ymgeisydd feddu ar sgiliau cyfrifiadurol sylfaenol gyda’r gallu i ddiweddaru taenlenni ac e-byst adroddiadau arolygu (blwch ticio) yn gyffyrddus.
Bydd angen i’r ymgeisydd llwyddiannus ddal isafswm ardystiad dilys RYA Powerboat lefel 2.
Bydd unrhyw brofiad morwrol yn fuddiol i’r rôl. Rhoddir yr opsiwn i ennill cymwysterau cymharol i’r ymgeisydd llwyddiannus os yw’n briodol.
Os ydych chi’n teimlo eich bod chi’n cwrdd â’r fanyleb person ac yn meddu ar y cymwysterau, sgiliau, brwdfrydedd a phrofiad gofynnol i gyflawni’r rôl allweddol hon, hoffem glywed gennych.
Bydd yn ofynnol i’r ymgeisydd fod ar gael yn ôl y llanw a’r tywydd.
Dyddiad cau
Y dyddiad cau ar gyfer ceisiadau yw 25/03/2025
Am drafodaeth anffurfiol gyda’r Harbwr Feistr, David John O’Neill, plis ffoniwch ar 074830 72850
About the vacancy
Caernarfon Harbour Trust is pleased to be developing its team and has a vacancy for a Harbour Assistant. Under the direction of the Harbour Master /Assistant Harbour Master the successful applicant will undertake a broad range of day-to-day harbour operations to assist in delivering Harbour
services. This will include working aboard the harbour buoy tender as crew and skippering harbour launches as required throughout the harbour limits. A high level of customer service is essential as the applicant will interact daily with Harbour users.
£12.68 per hour with annual reviews plus overtime.
The applicant
The successful applicant will undertake to address harbour customers problems regarding berthing, visiting boat owners and the general public enquiries related to the use of harbour facilities and services available. Problem solving maintenance and repair tasks of harbour infrastructure and equipment. Including minor maintenance and cleaning of boats and buildings, along with the Refurbishment of Aids to Navigation.
The ability to communicate fluently both verbally in both Welsh and English is very desirable.
The applicant will need to hold basic computer skills with the ability to update inspection reports (tick box) spreadsheets and emails comfortably.
The successful candidate will need to hold to a minimum a valid certification RYA Powerboat level 2.
Any maritime experience will be beneficial to the role. The option to attain relative qualifications will be afforded to the successful candidate if appropriate.
The applicant will be required to be available as tide and weather dictate.
If you feel you meet the person specification and possess the required qualifications, skills, enthusiasm and experience to undertake this key role then we would like to hear from you.
Closing date
The closing date for application is 25/03/2025.
For an informal discussion with the Harbour Master, David John O’Neill, please call 074830 72850
Nominations for Trustees – 2024
Hysbysiad Cyhoeddus
Yn unol ag Erthygl 3 o Orchymyn Diwygio Harbwr (Cyfansoddiad) Ymddiriedolaeth Harbwr Caernarfon 2012, gwneir cais am enwebiadau er mwyn penodi Ymddiriedolwyr.
Mae Ymddiriedolaeth Harbwr Caernarfon hefyd yn gwneud cais am enwebiadau er mwyn penodi dau Ymddiriedolwr ar 1 Tachwedd 2024.
Rhaid i’r enwebiadau gyrraedd y swyddfa Harbwr dim hwyrach na 2 Hydref 2024.
Enwebiadau a geisir ar gyfer ymddiriedolwyr newydd – Hysbysiad Cyhoeddus.
Public Notice
Pursuant to Article 3 of the Caernarfon Harbour Trust (Constitution) Harbour Revision Order 2012, nominations are requested for the appointment of Trustees.
Caernarfon Harbour Trust is seeking interest for two Trustees to be appointed on the 1st of November 2024.
Nominations must be received by the Harbour office no later than the 2nd of October 2024.
Aqua Adrenalin 2023
Aqua Adrenalin Tour 2023
Jetski & Powerboat Racing
Awst 19eg/20fed – Round 5 – Caernarfon – August 19th/20th
Dewch i Ymuno â Ni!
Rasio agos gyda chyflymder o 75 mya
Mae’r rasio ar y ddau ddiwrnod rhwng 11.00am a 3.00 pm
Gwyliwch y rasio yn agos, ychydig oddi ar y promenâd y tu allan i furiau’r castell!!!
Yn rhad ac am ddim
Lifejacket Clinic – Friday March 24th
Are your lifejackets safe?
Learn useful tips on how to choose, fit and maintain you lifejacket.
Bring along your lifejacket to a free RNLI Lifejacket clinic.
- When: Friday 24th March 10:00-15:00
- Where: The Boardroom, Cei Llechi, Caernarfon
- Contact: stuart_wallace@rnli.org.uk
PWC and Powerboat Registration Scheme
Dear Harbour Users,
During the 2020/21 season Caernarfon Harbour Trust faced a significant increase in communication from users regarding the safety of navigation and naturally calls for action regarding the manner of navigating vessel within the Harbour Limits.
The Trustees of Caernarfon Harbour Trust following the recommendation by our Marine Advisory Committee have committed to overall improvements to the management of navigation throughout the Harbour Limits. A key measure in this commitment is to implement this new registration system.
I would like to inform you that Caernarfon Harbour Trust is implementing a Power Vessel registration system during this season. 2021/22. This will align YHCHT with both Gwynedd Council and Anglesey Council’s existing registration system.
To authorise power vessels to navigate within the Harbour Limits, all day launching vessels will be required to register with either YHCHT, Gwynedd Council or Anglesey Council and display the appropriate registration permits. The appropriate registration permits must be displayed in a visible position on the port and starboard side of the vessel above the waterline. Unfortunately at this stage we are not able to accept vessels registered by Conwy Council as their registration stickers are not deemed adequate to assist in identifying vessels at a distance.
We consider this a positive step in the right direction and builds upon the successes Gwynedd Councils original registration initiative has offered. We would ask that all operators and individuals assist in making this system effective. Once this system is fully operational, effectively almost all public launching sites in North Wales will operate cooperatively with this registration system by ensuring that all PWC and Powerboats that launch on daily basis will display large identifiable and traceable registration numbers.
The forms are available on our website for individuals to download and complete. Please return the completed form to Caernarfon Harbour Trust, Harbour Office, Manton, St Helens Road, Caernarfon, Gwynedd, LL55 2PF. Once the form is returned an invoice will be issued by email and upon the balance being settled in full the permits will be released by post. (Dependant on Covid 19 regulations it may become possible to register on the day at our Office). Alternatively please complete and return the registration form along with a cheque for £35 payable to Caernarfon Harbour Trust.
The fee for registering the vessels will be £35 per registration.
Your sincerely
David John O’Neill
Caernarfon Harbour Master